I woke up, had breakfast with my friend and then we both left to take the bus till a place where someone was supposed to pick
us up. So this someone, which we had never met before, picked us up and drove us till a Shooting Club!! There, he took us for a tour, explaining each part of the club and then head to the 10 meters air rifle competition shooting range. He gave each one of us an air rifle and taught us how to use it. It was the first time for me to ever hold such a weapon! :D He then gave us 500 pellets, some different targets and left us enjoy shooting! Honestly, I thought I would feel bored after like 1 hour of shooting or something.. but the truth is that, it was so amusing that I didn't feel the time! He was always there behind us, giving us advices and some security tips. After a while, he took us to see some fire arms! The guy there showed us how he loads his rifle, with black powder and a bullet and then he even gave us the chance to shoot once! It was amazing! You sit there, holding the rifle, wearing safety glasses and those ear plugs for the sound, you begin to concentrate on the target and then u touch the trigger and boom.. there's black powder all over the air forming a cloud in front of you and you can barely see the target that is 50 meters away! Really feel you are in a movie! :D It was really like a once in a lifetime trial! After this adventure, we came back to our toys, as my friend called them after trying the fire ones, and kept shooting being very excited after trying the fire arms. I shot around 90 pellets in around 2 hours! Below are the targets I used so you can see the improvements during the day. First I began with the easy one which consists of 5 targets together so that wherever you find your air rifle pointing, you can shoot. Then at the en
d I tried the competition one, which is only one target in the middle! This target's diameter is 45.5 mm, imagine it 10 meters away!! The funny thing is that even as my first time, I still could get some with score 9! After having enjoyed shooting, we went to the so-called "Big Boss" of the shooting club to pay for our day. His reaction was as follow, "Didn't you have a Beautiful Sunday, then no need to pay!". :) Then the trainer's son, which is the one who drove us to the club, drove us back all the way to our dorms! After this really nice time, we are planning to keep regularly going!