Sunday, May 17, 2009

45 km!!

So we finally did it!! We biked about 45 km from the university campus in Vaihingen till Marbach on the Neckar! It was amazing! It's true we are so tired today after this excursion we did yesterday but we really had fun. We stopped in the middle many times; sometimes to eat, others to relax and a time to play Frisbee in a large green area. So if anyone wants to do a biking trip on the Neckar then I would recommend this site about Neckartalradweg or even the book itself. It took about 2 hours and a half biking but in total with all the stops and the way back: 7 hours!! It was really a great Saturday and we hope we do it again!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Amazing Zamfir

As opposed to the belief of some people, Zamfir is not the name of a music instrument but rather the name of a Romanian musician, songwriter and music teacher. He is very famous for his romantic pan flute music that he is even entitled as Gheorghe Zamfir – The “King of the Pan Flute”. If you want to know more maybe you can read his wikipedia page or his biography on his own official website.

Here is a video where he is playing a music that I love:

The Lonely Shepherd.
